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Assunto: Recrutamento do mediador ASA de Cristal II [Imprimir]

Autor: GMGamesow    Hora: 15-5-2021 13:59     Assunto: Recrutamento do mediador ASA de Cristal II

O seguinte conteúdo será publicado EM Inglês e Chinês respectivamente. Se você Pode entendê-lo, por favor leia-o para baixo. Obrigado.

No momento, o conteúdo do anúncio é tentador. Por segurança, vamos complementar e verificar as deficiências a qualquer momento. Por favor, me perdoe.

Webmaster recruitment
The following content will be published in English and Chinese respectively. If you can understand it, please read it down. Thank you.

At present, the content of the announcement is tentative. For the sake of safety, we will supplement and check the deficiencies at any time. Please forgive me.

In order to better serve the game players of ASA de Cristal II and maintain the good operation of the game and forum.

Now the game management department will recruit a dedicated moderator for ASA de Cristal II gamers.

If you have ideas, you can better help the majority of players, and can be competent for the relevant work of moderator.

Please read through the following contents to confirm whether it meets the requirements and apply in the prescribed way.

1、 [recruiter]
One moderator of ASA de Cristal II

2、 [recruitment requirements]
All the following requirements should be met:

1. Love games:
You need to have a healthy mind, be willing to abide by ethics and management rules, and be willing to participate in the construction and management of the forum.

2. Old gamer:
You need at least 1-2 years of gaming experience, which is the key to serve the majority of players, many people need your help.

3. The account number should not have bad deeds:
If you have been involved in reselling GM illegal props and obtaining GM illegal props before, it is considered bad.

4. Communication is important:

You need to be able to communicate in English. If you can use Chinese better, it will make communication more smooth.

5. You need time:

Every day needs a certain amount of time to manage the affairs in the forum, cooperate with the work in the game, and more importantly, do not affect the real life and work.

6. Frequent visitors in the Forum:

You need to be an old water customer who is familiar with the forum process. If you often pour water in the forum, it's better to answer questions and so on.

7. You are the middleman:

As a bridge between official staff and players, you need to recognize and grasp your position to help more people.

8. You need a QQ number:

It's a tool for communication. It's very important.

3、 [work content]

1. Participate in the daily management of the forum

For example: answer players' questions, delete illegal posts, guide players to post, collect players' suggestions and bugs, publish forum announcements and articles, etc( Will have forum management authority)

2. Cooperate with the official staff to deal with the problems in the game:

For example: timely feedback game bug, abnormal and so on( No GM permission)

3. Assist the official staff to translate the game:

For example: version text English translation Portuguese, player question Portuguese translation English.

4. Able to make suggestions on game activities and content is preferred
For example: weekly activity matching, reward adjustment, etc(At present, you can't stack rewards without upper limit.)

4、 [moderator benefits]
1. Welfare content:
You will receive 1 crystal recharge with a value of 500 reals per month (you can receive the recharge reward)

2. Supplementary notes:
If there is more work to be done this month, there will be additional benefits.
The benefits granted to the moderator, as long as it does not involve malicious acts, do not limit the moderator's personal use.

5、 [recruitment process]
1. Start and end time:
From May 17, 2021 to 24:00, May 23, 2021

2. Application format: [please use the forum account of the moderator to reply in this post]
① Role name: for example, (S1) - ADM [role corresponding to forum account]
② Game time: for example, 3 years [role corresponding to forum account]
③ Working hours: for example, 10:00-15:00 and 18:00-22:00 every day
④ Available time: [how long can you continue to participate in this work?]
⑤ Your application advantage: [please play freely]
⑥ Screenshot of your character: [screenshot of character status bar in the upper left corner]

3. When the recruitment results are published and when the moderator takes office:
Results published on: May 26, 2021 [due to time difference, we can't get the exact time, please forgive me]
Moderator took office: June 1, 2021

4. Webmaster practice
After the moderator takes office, he will have one month's internship. If he is not competent for the moderator's job after one month, Recruitment will be renewed.

May 15, 2021


为了更好服务于Asa de Cristal II的游戏玩家,维持游戏和论坛的良好运转。
现在游戏管理部门将专门面向Asa de Cristal II的游戏玩家,招募1名热心的版主。

Asa de Cristal II 专区版主 1名




①角色名:例如(s1)-adm  [论坛账号对应的角色]
②游戏时间:例如3年 [论坛账号对应的角色]

Autor: AtsuiaX    Hora: 15-5-2021 22:34

OMG are you really serious? Why don't you look at the monthly recharges history and look how many cash player spent R$1000,00/month in this game? You are ready to give to a damn MOD more cash than the top spenders are spendind right now and it's way way far from fair. R$ 1k/month is enough to make as many semifull account as he whant in few months. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that he needs to work for free but 1k when eve 300,00 recharge/month would be way to much.
Autor: GMGamesow    Hora: 17-5-2021 15:34

Responder 2# AtsuiaX

    Então você Pensa EM ser um moderador?

Cristal de raios de 500 / mês
Autor: GMGamesow    Hora: 17-5-2021 15:34

Responder 3# MorganaBR

    Então você Pensa EM ser um moderador?

Cristal de raios de 500 / mês
Autor: AtsuiaX    Hora: 17-5-2021 20:56

Responder 4# GMGamesow
No, i'm not looking for a MOD role, i'm just saying that the amount of cash you are aiming to give to MODS is beyond the reasonable and MODS should never be able to take especial itens from recharge packs without their won recharges neither such as mounts,pets, costumes etc...
Pure Crystals I would say 100k is good enough to give him a reason to work but not making the things unbalanced .
And just remember that, you are not taking in consideration that our currency is not the same as yours and to put agood number you have to look and think as someone who live with our currency and BRL1000,00 recharge/month is something that not even a middle classe person is able to spend everymonth in a game without some workarounds.
After said that i really think 100k or 200k of pure crystal and nothing else for month is a good number.
Autor: thelight01    Hora: 17-5-2021 21:49

Última edição postada por thelight01 no 17-5-2021 21:52

I think 500 reais a month is good for a moderator. 1000 is a little too much. I hope that some one steps up to the opportunity and not complain too much.

And this is considered a real job though, if you look at it, moderators are not getting paid with real life money. It’s game currency.
Autor: TheSpawn    Hora: 17-5-2021 23:43

Última edição postada por TheSpawn no 17-5-2021 23:55

I'm ready to be a moderator in this game. I have 3+ years in this game, and i'm one of the strongest characters in the whole game, if not the strongest.

I'm a programmer aswell.

i can do:

C and C++

And few others.


Role name: (S1) - Spawn
Game time: About 3 years+ i've had different accounts.
Working hours: Almost 24/7 i'm normally working at home, since i'm a programmer.
Available time: Some years, i like to play the game.
Your application advantage: I'm not sure what you mean by this, but i'm ready to help make the game a better place, and more safe for people.
Screenshot of your character:
Autor: AnjoGabrie    Hora: 18-5-2021 02:18

how about being wing mod 1 how do i do? game since I launched it doesn’t work I have time left for game administration and I’m always presenting suggestions to the forum an idea of ​​mine was even accepted to be analyzed for the best development of the game answer me please what is needed
Autor: Smauguete    Hora: 18-5-2021 04:59

Última edição postada por Smauguete no 18-5-2021 05:00

Responder 1# GMGamesow

S180 – Smaug        - Função: Atendente de Fórum
Tempo de jogo: Eu jogo asa de cristal 1 e 2 Desde o início do game, até na plataforma antiga do game.
QQ: Em processo
Horário de Trabalho: Livre Todos os dias
Horário Disponível: Qualquer Horário, Posso ficar nisso até o fim do game.
Tenho Várias Outras contas Mas está é a mais recente.
S180 - Smaug - Function: Forum Attendant
Playing time: I play crystal wing 1 and 2 from the beginning of the game, even on the old game platform.
QQ: In process.
Working Hours: Free every day.
Available Time: Any Time, I can stay on this until the end of the game.
I have several other accounts, but this is the most recent.

Autor: Panda159    Hora: 19-5-2021 08:20

Nickname: S107-Lokes

Playing time: I played since 2013 the old one and I play the Crystal wing 2 for almost 6 years

QQ: 3176684932

Working hours: 12:00 until 18:00 and 20:00 until 00:00 every day

Available : As long as you need my services I will be available

Your application advantage: I didn't understand the question well but I can help with the creation of events, facilitate communication between players and the administration, take care of areas in the forum, translate documents and above all make the game progress always


Nickname : S107-Lokes

Tempo de jogo : Joguei desde 2013 o antigo e jogo o Asa de cristal 2 a quase 6 anos

QQ : 3176684932

Horario de trabalho : 12:00 até18:00 e 20:00 até 00:00 todos os dias

Tempo disponivel : Enquanto precisarem de meus serviços estarei a disposição

A vantagem do seu aplicativo : Não entendi bem a pergunta mas posso ajudar com a criação de eventos, facilitar a comunicação entre players e a administração, cuidar de areas no forum, traduzir documentos e acima de tudo fazer o jogo progredir sempre
Autor: ElGatuno    Hora: 19-5-2021 09:51

Última edição postada por ElGatuno no 25-5-2021 00:48

Responder 1# GMGamesow

Personagem:  (S115)Kirito
Tempo de Jogo: Eu jogava asa de cristal 1 desde antes do jogo ser pela plataforma da Gamesow, quando ele ainda era pela plataforma do 9919. Depois iniciei no Asa de Cristal 2 aqui na plataforma atual. Então pode-se dizer que jogo este jogo há alguns anos.
Horário de Trabalho: Atualmente qualquer horário e todos os dias, mas no futuro depois das 17h ás 24h. Atualmente trabalho em casa por causa da pandemia, mas no futuro irei voltar para a empresa.
Tempo disponível: Enquanto for necessário. Eu gosto de jogar este jogo.
Minhas principais qualidades: Eu conheço bem o jogo, conheço bem as classes, conheço a maioria dos eventos, conheço bem sobre a dinâmica do jogo. Serei um moderador que ajuda e tira dúvidas de outros jogadores.
Imagem do meu personagem: [Estará postado logo abaixo]

Número QQ: 2479901645

Role name:  (S115)Kirito
Game time: I played Crystal Wing 1 before the game was on the Gamesow platform, when it was still on the 9919 platform. Then I started on "Asa de Cristal 2" here on the current platform. So it can be said that I've played this game for a few years.
Working hours: Currently any time and every day, but in the future after 17h to 24h. I currently work at home because of the pandemic, but in the future I'll return to the company.
Available time: As long as necessary. Like to play this game.
Your application advantage: I know the game well, know the classes well, know most events, know the game dynamics well. I'll be a moderator who helps and takes questions from other players.
Screenshot of your character:


QQ Number:  2479901645

Autor: MorganaBR    Hora: 25-5-2021 00:16

Última edição postada por MorganaBR no 25-5-2021 00:22

Responder 1# GMGamesow

Personagem: (S137)Kyuubi
Tempo de Jogo: Eu comecei minha experiência no asa de cristal quando o jogo ainda estava na plataforma 9919. No asa de cristal 2 eu comecei aqui mesmo na Gamesow na época que era um servidor beta, ou seja, tem mais de 2 anos que jogo este jogo.
Horário de Trabalho: Qualquer dia e horário, mas preferencialmente no período da tarde/noite
Tempo disponível: Muito tempo, gosto bastante do Asa de Cristal 2
Minhas principais qualidades:  Eu sou um jogador amigável, conheço bem sobre o jogo, sempre ajudo outros jogadores que me pedem informação ou ajuda dentro do jogo, além de estar sempre por aqui respondendo outros jogadores no fórum. Eu também tenho ótimas idéias para futuros eventos no Asa de Cristal 2
Imagem do meu personagem: [Estará postado logo abaixo]

Número QQ: 2479901645

Role name: (S137)Kyuubi
Game time: I started my experience on the crystal wing when the game was still on the 9919 platform. On the crystal wing 2 here on the Gamesow platform, I started when I was a beta server, that is, I have been playing this game for over 2 years.
Working hours: Any day and time, but preferably in the afternoon / evening
Available time: I can a long time, I really like Asa de Cristal 2
Your application advantage: I'm a friendly player, I know the game well, I always help other players who ask me for information or help within the game, besides always being around here answering other players on the forum. I also have great ideas for future events at Asa de Cristal 2
Screenshot of your character:


QQ Number:  2479901645

Autor: Detento    Hora: 25-5-2021 01:19

Responder 13# MorganaBR

jogador amigável? desde quando KKKKKK vc é uma das pessoas mais tóxicas e odiadas do jogo
Autor: Gartom    Hora: 25-5-2021 01:25

Responder 14# Detento

   O pior é ele ta tentando se candidatar com a fake a principal
Autor: VTech    Hora: 25-5-2021 01:30

Responder 15# Gartom

    Ta achando que gm é bobo
Autor: Detento    Hora: 25-5-2021 01:38

Responder 15# Gartom

se esse kyubi/kirito virar mod o jogo acaba de vez kkkkkk
Autor: MorganaBR    Hora: 25-5-2021 01:47

Última edição postada por MorganaBR no 25-5-2021 01:48

Responder 15# Gartom

Responder 16# VTech

Responder 17# Detento

    GENTE!!! Isso tudo ai é amor pela minha pessoa? calma gente! vocês querem um abraço? é isso?
Eu abraço voces meus lindos. Aqui é só amor no coração
Autor: Gartom    Hora: 25-5-2021 01:51

Responder 18# MorganaBR

    Sim meu amor, nós queremos que vc se poupe de ser MOD, e tbm queremos poupar a saúde mental do jogo de ter alguém como vc na moderação bjinho
Autor: MorganaBR    Hora: 25-5-2021 01:54

Responder 18# Gartom

    OK Hakuro! tá anotado o recado!
Eu já entendi que você me ama
Autor: Gartom    Hora: 25-5-2021 05:07

Responder 19# MorganaBR

    Que bom, bjinho
Autor: GMGamesow    Hora: 26-5-2021 19:53

Due to some problems, the recruitment time will be extended. If you want to register, please continue to register.
Autor: s30-Rowena    Hora: 2-6-2021 02:40

Última edição postada por s30-Rowena no 2-6-2021 09:48

Personagem: (S181)Shion
Tempo de Jogo: Comecei a jogar Asa de Cristal quando ele veio para a plataforma Gamesow, joguei durante alguns anos e depois migrei para o Asa de cristal 2 no seu lançamento, fui um dos primeiros jogadores do Servidor 1 e continuo jogando até hoje, são mais de 6 anos dedicados ao jogo.
Horário de Trabalho: 6h diárias seria uma carga horaria razoável, porém dependendo do que me for pedido posso ficar mais.
Tempo disponível:Estarei disponível dás 13:00 ás 22:00 durante os dias da semana e 17:00 ás 00:00 nos fins de semana(Sexta-Domingo)
Minhas principais qualidades: Por jogar o jogo durante muito tempo tenho amplo conhecimento sobre muitas áreas, desde PVE ao PVP, tenho bastante disposição e amor pelo jogo e tenho certeza de que minha participação na moderação seria útil de diversas maneiras desde a comunicação com os jogadores pelo fórum quanto na assistência pelo jogo.

Sou ótimo nos aplicativos ''Microsoft Excel'' e ''Microsoft Word'' e também possuo conhecimento sobre outros idiomas sendo eles:

Português ★★★★★
Inglês ★★★☆☆
Español ★★★★☆

Imagem do meu personagem:

QQ Number:194633118


Character: (S181)Shion
Game Time: I started playing Crystal Wing when it came to the Gamesow platform, played for a few years and then I migrated to Crystal Wing 2 at its launch, I was one of the first Server 1 players and I still play today, it's been more than 6 years dedicated to the game.
Working Hours: 6h a day would be a reasonable workload, but depending on what you ask me I can stay longer.
Time available: I will be available from 13:00 to 22:00 on weekdays and from 17:00 to 00:00 on weekends (Friday-Sunday)
Best qualities: By playing the game for a long time I have extensive knowledge about many areas, from PVE to PVP, I have a lot of disposition and love for the game and I am sure that my participation in moderation would be useful in several ways from communication with players through the forum and assistance through the game.

I am great at the '' Microsoft Excel '' and '' Microsoft Word '' applications and I also have knowledge of other languages ​​being them:

Portuguese ★★★★★
English  ★★★☆☆
Spanish ★★★★☆

QQ Number:194633118
Autor: xXSpriggan    Hora: 2-6-2021 11:25

Sou um desenvolvedor independente e engenheiro programador. e acho que mesmo que paguem 1000000 de cristais não funciona. porque com isso você não compra comida nem pão. Eles exigem saber inglês quando você ganha com dinheiro real apenas para traduzir jogos. Acho que esta oferta está longe de ser adequada
Autor: Derieri    Hora: 10-7-2021 09:26

Última edição postada por Derieri no 10-7-2021 09:32

① Role name: Derieri
② Game time: I've been playing Crystal Saga, Asa de Cristal and similars for about 11 years, since the release on R2Games plataform.
③ Working hours: I can work about 6 hours per day
④ Available time: As I said earlie I've been playing this game for a decade, so, yeah I can dedicate a lot of time to this work.
⑤ Your application advantage: I'm a ex-moderator of this plataform, with my long game experience, I think I can do a great job on this forum, at game's tutorial and in the game manegement at all. I know how the Brazilians player minds works, and can create a lot of events, and improvements to get the game better. I love this game, and I don't want to see they how it is, looks like abandoned and lonely without any capable staff. If you make me in, certainly i'll do a great job.
⑥ Screenshot of your character: At the moment me character is (S184) Arata, low level account created just for see how the game is going.
Autor: Derieri    Hora: 10-7-2021 09:33

Responder 24# Derieri

    About QQ account i'm trying to restore mine at the moment, you should know that for brazilians players, create a qq account or restore an old one its a hardly task lol, you can contact me in private message at this forum.
Autor: ShisuiUchi    Hora: 10-7-2021 12:42

Nick: (S184) Ishiiki

Well, I was a game administrator and I have a lot of experience in communicating with a player,
I am willing to abide by ethical rules and I want to help with the construction and management of the forum.
I've known the game since platform 9919, in this case I've known it for more than 8 years and I've played the Asa de Cristal II.
I intend to be honest with the game and moderators, I have basic knowledge of English.

Currently, I don't work from home (home office) and I have plenty of time to help grow this game I've always loved <3
I can help with content and tutorials to post on the forum and organize, helping players and learning more and more with Asa de Cristal II Moderation.
And I believe I'll help a lot with bug reports, help with the translation of texts and any technical error to pass on to those responsible!

Time available: 12hrs to 14hrs, 17:40 to 00hrs every day.
QQ number: process
Autor: MorganaBR    Hora: 9-8-2021 15:06

Eu vim aqui só para saber como anda o processo de escolha de um novo moderador(a), afinal, tem meses que o processo está aberto e até agora nada...
Autor: Rowan~    Hora: 10-9-2021 17:35

Última edição postada por Rowan~ no 10-9-2021 17:39

① Role name: (S3)Rowan
② Game time: About 1 years
③ Working hours: 05:50 - 15:00 Server Time
④ Available time: How long the work may take
⑤ Your application advantage: I can answer questions, apply punishments, analyze suggestions and comments from players, create tutorials, new events, improve existing events, use the beta test server. I have experience in several MMORPG games where I can always look for improvements and updates that can fit within the Game
⑥ Screenshot of your character:
7 - My Wechat ID: wxid_rg53mts40clj22
Autor: RyukPlis    Hora: 12-9-2021 02:56

Ué? Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Autor: Mascots    Hora: 24-1-2022 01:19

eu não tenho anda demais, mas se eu pudesse ter um chance de entrar no server beta, ia atualizar todos os tutoriais e acrescentar os que faltam, pq ta foda ter tanta coisa e faltar informações pra varias coisas, e não acho no forum e nao tem jogadores para ajudar explicando.

não preciso de nada só do server de teste e a ala de tutorial, mais nada
Autor: IgorYuuh    Hora: 24-1-2022 01:36

volto a fuciona os serves ?

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