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Se for possível verifique minha conta nunca fiz nada de errado, consumo e cash tudo pelo certo.



verifica minhas contas S7-Shedim S45-Striker


Responder 111# GMGamesow

    My emails have been banned, being from accounts
And if I'm not mistaken because of my ip it also banned the S12-Alfeuangel and S5-Doce account.
That's because my IP was associated with the S1-Japona account, that's for sure, it turns out that the reason he is associated with this account is because the former GM is my friend (I don't see any problems with that), and to do an event (GvG ) he let me log in to the account, regardless if it had a changed status or not, I would only see it as soon as I logged into the account, but my IP would already be associated with this.
You banned my fakes accounts that you never wanted to receive 1 command, since I never donated there, even in the S1-Mirella account, you only have R $ 20.00 of recharge, both in the NPC "Karleya", and in the recharge history.
You asked for a justification and here is mine. The only email I understand the ban and I ask you not to remove it is the email ban from the S12-Arufuenjeru account, because I used the same one to buy R $ 1000.00 packages this week, this is why I thought there would be rollback, several accounts who did the same were not banned, but I really understand the reason for the ban.
As for the banning of other accounts, I totally disagree and please ask me to reconsider and remove the ban on email from those accounts. Of course, you can check and see for yourself that there are no irregularities in them.


Please check my account



verifique miha conta s157-McPoze , donatei 100 reais e meus pacotes de fundos do 100 ate o lv 150 foram expirados e sumiu do bau nao deu para usar exijo um retorno...


solicitar a remoção de banimento da minha ac nunca fiz nada de errado possuo histórico de recarga e tudo no jogo por favor avaliem este meu pedido

request the removal of banning my ac I never did anything wrong I have a history of recharge and everything in the game please rate this my request


Responder 118# XshakaXW

    hmm fez nada de errado, entao oq é isso http://prntscr.com/111mic5 ??


verifica minha conta favor S207-RhMoura
aqui mi historial de recargar



Mas por favor eu so peguei uma caixa ,por que tem muita gente que pegou as caixa umas nao levaram ban e outras sairam do ban?nao consigo entender isso eu jogo a muito tempo nunca fiz nada de errado,pelo menos me deixa com 2meses de ban por favor nao quero perder minha conta,eu demorei muito para pegar 50kk e agora vai banir assim do nada sem nem mesmo saber que dava ban ao pegar a caixa pois eu nao sabia


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