I would suggest limiting movement speed on PvP Sengolia maps and also fighting for survival just like it is limited on GvG map. Myself and other players have noticed that some players deliberately abuse the high move to do that bug move, causing the opponent to lose abilities. The bug occurs when we try to use that skill on the target but it moves so fast that it is consumed without hitting the opponent causing us to lose, many times the target is close to us and we lose the skill, causing only it to hit us, that happens a lot in a battle between Assassin and Archer. In 9919 the movement was very low and the pvps occurred correctly, in gamesow we have fruits that give infinite speed of movement because there is no established limit, how far do you intend to let the movement go? Imagine 3000 speed players roaming the maps and doing pvp, this seems a little out of the ordinary not to mention it's so fast you can't even catch the enemy target as they can easily run to do the bug.
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