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you don't come to the forum knowing that Yasuo was robbed, I don't think you need to, as GM Gamesow himself stated in a post that the moderator had contacted him about additional evidence, some way for you to use this to warn, although it was also another account marketed by you, it is mentioned that you want to recover an account from the server if the moderator does not remove your EvilDeeds lock.


Responder 124# Brunocésar

    Sorry what you say is difficult to understand even using google translator, your English is very bad, although I only understood about stealing account, at no time did I say that the account was stolen but commercialized.


Responder 120# Hortelino

    another question that I left out because you say that the account is logged in by another ip I don't change the region I can't change the computer it doesn't have hortelino logic why you who play on the s242 and came here to say this in favor from yasuo


Responder 120# Hortelino

    another question that I left out because you say that the account is logged in by another ip I don't change the region I can't change the computer it doesn't have hortelino logic why you who play on the s242 and came here to say this in favor from yasuo


Responder 120# Hortelino

    and another thing that proves you have a print against me, even I can send several prints here of you being racist and killing the game since you know that yasuo was stolen because I don't come here on the forum knowing that the account was stolen obgd nando


Responder 120# Hortelino

    I don't need you to prove threats to me and yes I need you to prove to me that evil was a stolen account


Responder 119# saia

    you mention the yasuo account, but it is in the rules that account trading is prohibited, as far as I know these accounts were sold, and yasuo was recovered, and previously Evildeeds is also purchased, as there have been numerous owners before the current one. GM Gamesow can check the ip address and see that it was accessed from several different regions and will see what I'm actually saying because I see the account dispute on the server, as I mentioned the player uses threats in the chat to recover other accounts which is outside of our server. If you need me to prove the threats, I have pictures.


Responder 113# Rivenzinha

    you should have come here say this when yasuo was in fact robbed and had the service done by moderation i didn't come here for evil and you know he really is the owner of the account.


Responder 116# GMGamesow

bom dia tbm sou player do msm servidor do evil e tbm quero saber as provas pq pelo oq eu vir ele cumpriu todas as regras pedidas e no momento nn vir ninguem aqui falando ou apresentando provas q a conta foi disputada


Responder 114# GMGamesow

    Assim poderia me prova q essa conta foi disputada ou poderia loga no servidor dela pra ter certeza q de fato eu sou o dono da conta pq de gasto já é 3 mil reais espero q olhe direto pós vou atrás dos meu direitos cumprir todas as regras do fórum


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