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Hello, check this account


I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. Due to the large number of players involved, and the fact that some players transfer their illegal props to other characters to get hit items and money, the working hours are prolonged.

I took the package in the confusion that had on March 29th, in this you still had not disclosed in the forum that anyone who used the packages would be banning and consequently spent money from the package, that's when I took banishment on April 1st and an hour then the post came to the forum saying that anyone who used the package's cash would be banned and would have a risk of banning by ip, in that I was unable to do anything but wait for your analysis, my account has always been cleared of GM items now I have been banned for using items I had in the clearing.

I ask you to reconsider my ban for 10 years, for one for 1 month, because as much as I got it before I was warned, I still enjoy the cash in the package.

All we knew was that on the 29th, there would be a rollback, so all of us would spend the cash of the packages at will, as we had the information that the game would return to the 26th when this crazy distribution of the previous GMs did not happen.


assiano 2-4-2021 09:24  NEW

boa noite gostaria de sabe si  tem como recuperar meu ladino sei q errei em abri o pacote mais  si quiserem tirar os itens dele q usei pode tirar so queria meu ladino jogo esse jogo desde quando abriu nunca xinguei nem briguei com ninguem foi muito sacrificio pra upa ele  mi da um ban de 1 mes ou 2mais n bani permanente n ate 2031  meu é s213-Hades


Please, I ask you again to verify my account, I have been playing for 5/6 years, and my account is even not a big deal. Unnecessary and a little pointless actually...


Mais uma vez estou aqui  pedindo verificação na minha conta Nick S1-HenriqueMix
Meu nome não consta na lista e estou aqui pedindo mais um apelo


Verifiquem o S1-Tivei , Ele é um cara certinho,


Good afternoon, I wish to review the case of the s1-fall because my only account and the only thing I did was buy the packages that everyone bought in the clearing but I didn't open any, very annoying.


Verifiquem tbm  minha secundária s1-blade que não está na lista as está banida


Peço que verifiquem minha conta s53-stifler3 meu nome está na lista mas não fui banido e não usei o tal pack distribuídos no dia 28 de março verifiquem por favor


Hi, my two acc were banned about two diferent things "Exchange illegal items and consume illegal items".
But i have a explanation about these two things.
So, in the day who are people giving these packs of 2kk cash 500 points and 1000d. I bought one without knowing what it was about and passed it on to my fake to open it, but when i talk to my friends in whatsapp they tell me to not open the pack and just delete the item, but when i'm gonna throw the item away i made a mistake and open the pack with my fake account, and now i'm banned in the two accounts. Can you please help me? I have donate in my primary account and you can see i'm not benefited by moderators or anything. I have 100k of cash in S3-Astral, please don't exclude them!


https://prnt.sc/113ddyp here's my donate historic, if you log in in my char you can see in the npcs who my donate it's just what is in the historic


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