Good morning, I will write in English because I think it will be easier for us to communicate.
Currently on the servers of both "Asa de Cristal" and "Asa de Cristal 2" there is a need to talk about changes in current equipment, where there is a huge imbalance.
With the arrival of level 240 and the level 235 dungeon equipment, there was an imbalance between classes, which negatively influenced how the game is played in PVP.
That said, I'll explain why dungeon equipment is harmful to the game's ecosystem (PVP) and what changes would be possible for there to be a considerable improvement.
Step 1: Dodge
Momentarily perhaps it is the biggest problem, the dodge in dungeon level 235 priest equipment is with a high amount of dodge, making the "Archer" and "Priest" classes are abusing it, the solution that has already been used another time, is to exclude or decrease the equipment's evasion.
Step 2: Damage Reduction
Damage reduction is something important for the development of the game and is also part of the PVP mechanics, since some classes have skills that remove damage reduction from other players, as an example, I could mention the Knight / Tank, which with the disproportionate addition of reduction, has become useless in the current game scenario.
In the last equipment we used, we had a total of 20% of Damage Reduction in total (Both physical and magical) already in the dungeon level 235 equipment, we have 52% of both physical and magical Damage Reduction, a change of more twice as much as the last equipment used.
Step 3: Tenacity
Currently, we have an exorbitant amount of tenacity within the game, and with the arrival of equipment 235 increased the amount even more, in equipment 180, we had a total of 1050 tenacity counting all pieces of equipment, with equipment level 235 , we have a total of 1600, a difference of 530 tenacity, this makes some classes that rely on critical damage weaker than others, such as Mage and Prottos.
The total reduction would not be possible, considering that new systems have come to the game, so I believe that there may be a reformulation of tenacity in this equipment, something like 1,280 of total tenacity instead of 1600
In addition to these problems, I would like to ask for a little more autonomy for the Brazilian team in matters related to gameplay and events for the game, I understand that it is difficult to have confidence because of past events, but, due to the language barrier that we suffer, it would be better for both sides if we have a bit of representation in the current team managing the games.
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