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Responder 394# DaniTick

    peça pra equipe chinesa avaliar sua conta, mande server e nick, e eles vão desbanir.


Responder 394# DaniTick




Mas por favor eu so peguei uma caixa ,por que tem muita gente que pegou as caixa umas nao levaram ban e outras sairam do ban?nao consigo entender isso eu jogo a muito tempo nunca fiz nada de errado,pelo menos me deixa com 2meses de ban por favor nao quero perder minha conta,eu demorei muito para pegar 50kk e agora vai banir assim do nada sem nem mesmo saber que dava ban ao pegar a caixa pois eu nao sabia




Verifica minha acc


Email da OneShot


Please remove the cash from my account and remove my ban. I haven't used many packages


pleace check my count  /S5-Thanatos


I'm only writing this because there's a major bug going on which makes players on some "Asa de Cristal II" servers unable to properly play the game, and this bug hasn't been solved in over 5 weeks.

To be descripve, the "bug" consists of most bosses, mobs and NPCs not being able to spawn. Some players report that they can't even see other players due to this bug. And according to forum moderator "JinMori", the chinese team is aware of this bug and is working on a fix for it. But, as I mentioned previously, there has been over 5 weeks and this bug hasn't been fixed - so I highly doubt the truth of his statement.

Today, he said the chinese team contacted him and told him to tell players that clearing browser cache and cookies would solve this problem - but, as reported on the feedback of many players, this "fix" doesn't solve anything related to the bug.

As the aforemetioned moderator hasn't been able to do anything to solve this problem in over 5 weeks, which severely (and maybe even irreversibly) knocked down the already thin playerbase of the affected servers, I feel like I should inform you directly about this dire situation, Game Master.  

Thanks for your attention.


Responder 378# GMGamesow

    Os cristais que quero retornar partem das contas: S164-Mirella e S45-MageKiller. Tentei devolver, mas nada foi feito ainda.


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