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Responder 105# Konoha

    Olá, se é UMA questão de proibição, por favor responda diretamente Neste t ópico. Devido à acumulação de muitas cartas privadas, não podemos responder a ele de UMA forma unificada no momento.


Responder 131# GMGamesow

     I'm very desapointed with you cause me and my friends from s1 are now playing on server 243, with no problems envolving GMs or MODs, we are putting money on the plataform, giving money to you, helping the game to get better, and we are being banned, my friends S243-L4din0M4nc0, S243-DarkMagic and S243-Mimori were banneds today. Please verify the accounts, they all are real cashers on server 243. It's a unfair ban. Sorry for the words, but if you keep banning innocent accounts the game will close very soon, it's a very unfair attitude.


Responder 107# VidaPOxa

    Na verdade, há muitos endereços IP duplicados EM março e abril. Se você não sabe, você Pode perguntar AOS seus amigos que sabem o SEU número de conta e pedir-lhes para explicar para você.


Mr. GMgamesow I came here dearly, I asked you to continue with the excellent work that comes here with your services as a new ADM, I still say that if the gamesow team is in need of help in analyzing irregular accounts, I will always be available for us players game of the wing of crystal game is no longer harmed by bad conduct of people with bad character thank you for your excellent work the game got much better after there were so many players outside it were really spoiling the game and for that reason if moderation is needing new moderators of exceptional character and with professionalism in the area of ​​technology and programming I would love to participate in the team as a form of experience without payments or things like just the experience I want to continue training me in the area.


Responder 113# Madara ◇

    Tenho certeza de que este não é um Papel ativo. Se você realmente quer saber por que Ou lidar com problemas, por favor, forneça o SEU Papel ativo.


Minha conta foi banida injustamente não tenho participado de nada ilegal que estava acontecendo verifique minha conta s-242 azazel


Responder 120# vodka0

    If the name of the role you provided is not found, it means that the role you provided is not your active role and what you are trying to hide.

If it's because the IP address is forbidden, it means that the IP addresses of you and those people overlap. As to why they overlap, please tell me yourself, I hate those who destroy the game, but I'm not going to prohibit innocent people.


Responder 121# MrPhalanx

    As razões específicas para o encerramento já foram mencionadas. É necessário devolver OS cristais e Diamantes consumidos. Se for apenas um apelo simples, não haverá resposta.


GM, you would need to verify every single game account if you ever want to solve this issue. This illegal injection of cash into the game is way older and far reaching than you might think: e.g., it was commonplace for game mods to reward people with undisclosed amounts of cash during events; and, since they had practically complete control of the game's currency, people actually bought cash throught them (and not the platform). And, god-have-mercy, if you ever tried to accuse some of these corrupt mods of what they were publicly doing, you'd get permabanned as they themselves forbade anyone to accuse game mods of anything (no joke, this really was an actual game policy they enforced).

Now, it just happens that, in the last ~ 3 weeks, some game mods started acting maliciously and granted everyone huge amounts of illegal props and cash - which, as you might know, have spread to almost every single active account in the game. And that being the case, when you mass banned players for these illegal props and cash, you collaterally banned a huge chunk of the game's active playerbase - and the remaining chunk isn't even secure that this game, in its current state, will last for long. Many players on my Discord are reporting that they still kept most of their (illegal) cash even after having some of their accounts banned. Many of my friends whom still showcase any interest with game are now moving to R2games' Crystal Saga, the english version of this game.

I admire that you're now trying to fix this issue however you can, but I feel like, considering the game's past and potential future, there's really no way for things to be normalized without a complete reset and relaunch of this game.


Responder 133# GMGamesow



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